To get Mac OSX to print documents in portrait vs landscape format it is necessary to change Paper Format (under Format-Page) from “letter” to “A4.” How can I change the default setting so that Paper Format is always “A4”?
Please read first my answer in this thread, and come then back with your additional questions.
I would also be interested in your experiences with the small change of ‘Letter’ to a ‘User’ format.
As @Lupp said in the post he referred to - when you create a new document a Default template is used. If you have not set your own Default template then one that is built into LO is used. The paper size in this template is probably dependent on the language settings. You can create your own template by creating a new document, which in your case will have letter paper size. Change this to A4 in the blank document, and anything else you want such as fonts. Save it as a template under a name of your choice as .ott. Go to File > Templates > Manage and select Import. Import the Template you have created and select it and set as Default. Then when you create a New document this Template will be used.
Got it! Thanks.