How do you replace a formatter 13 point font with a 15 point font in Writer?

I know that I should have used a style instead of a direct format, but it’s already done so here’s what I need to do:

Find all occurrences of words with a 13 pt size and change them to a style with the same font but 15 pt size using regular expressions in Find and Replace. I’ve already created the style, so don’t need help with that.

I guess what I need is something that finds whole words in the specific font size. I could then just use “Find All” and then click the style. But I can’t figure out how to find whole words using RegX. I know there are word boundary characters in regular expressions so logically I should be able to use a generic wildcard for the start character and then continue to the end of the word, but I can’t figure out how to do that. It seems like it should be simple, but…

Apparently all I had to do was leave the search box blank after specifying the format. :grinning:

Interestingly when I tried the search term (.*) it didn’t find anything.

Don’t forget [x] Regular expressions.

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Sorry for the big screeshot.

  • Find and Replace - Format button - Font tab - choose Size 13 pt - OK
  • Type in the Find field: \b.*\b
  • Find All button
  • Close the Find and Replace dialog
  • Apply your new paragraph style