no, a simple sequence will work OK.
I fudged together two other macros, each of which does part of what I wish, and together have the desired result… except that exporting a page to an image (even singly, by hand) often results in significant amounts of lettering displayed in white rather than the colour visible in Impress, and it seems to be partially dependent upon which specific font I am using.
loDoc = thisComponent
(insert some filter processing here)
loImpressPages = loDoc.getDrawPages
For i = 0 To loImpressPages.Count - 1
loSlide = loImpressPages.getByIndex(i)
*(insert exporting of each slide here)*
Next i
as a temporary work-around, I can export the entire presentation as a ‘direct’ PDF, then issue this command:
pdftoppm -png -r 300 -scale-to 4096 exported-presentation.pdf x/name-of-presentation
this results in a pile of 4096x2304 PNG images which will more-or-less achieve the desired result.