How get rid of ~lock file when open any office document?

How do one get rid of this ~lock file when I open any office document? It shows me that I have an active open file, but I dont want it. Sometimes I do have multiple documents open and full of those ~lock file on my desktop.

Here you can read about the use of the lock file:

Lock file

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Thank you. Very helpful!

If you are on Linux, just don’t show hidden files (starting with . ) on your desktop…

It is not meant to tell YOU anything, but handle multiple accessed to the same file.

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Thank you for reply.
I am on Windows by the way. The post over helped me :slightly_smiling_face:

Aside from lack of structure in filing and ease of accidental deletion, saving to the desktop is risky. If you use System Restore, anything on the desktop since the date you go back to will be lost; on the other hand, everything in Documents will be untouched.


As you didn’t gave any info I just guessed because of a possible “dark-mode”-icon. (Usually I assume users of MacOS don’t tell, because there is nothing outside Apple…)
The answer would be the same: If you don’t show hidden files, they vanish from your sight.
(Works flawless with my Win10). One click in Windows-Explorer.

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So you do recommend to store files in the Document folder? I usually do a backup. But thanks for tips.

Desktop is often not included in default locations for backup, you should check that your documents are actually being backed up.

Documents folder is always included in backups because it is the intended location to store documents.