I am trying to get the macro security warning on opening a form to “go away.” I have read the documentation here Security Warning but it does not correspond to what I am seeing. I do not see “Always trust macros from this source”. I see only Help, Enable Macros and Disable Macros.
I have one user-written macro. It is currently in MyDB.odb->Standard->MyModule. I have macro security set to Medium, as seems to be recommended. I see the Tools->Options->Macro Security->Trusted Sources dialog but it seems to only accept folder names on my PC, not sources within the database. (I am probably doing something wrong.) I can move the macro if necessary but putting it on my PC will not work. My users access the database from Google Cloud.
I am an IT security guy and I understand the need for macro security. I am not opposed to macro security. I would just like to make Base trust this one macro.
How do I get Base to trust this macro?