How should I correctly prepare data from clipboard to be inserted in table rows in Writer?

Let’s consider that we have simple formatted text with tabs and four columns:

01.09	1	  Some_Text	Some_Text #1
02.09	2	  Some_Text	Some_Text #2
03.09	3	  Some_Text	Some_Text #3

I want to copy this text to clipboard buffer and then paste it to LO Writer table.

I would like to start with two-rows table (filled header and empty row for data):

Step 1 - empty table

and then after pressing Ctrl+v I expect to have table rows filled with data from clipboard buffer:

Step 2 - expected filled table

but this does not happen (I need to manually cut and paste data between cells).

How should I change the text formatting above to automatically get text inserted in corresponding table rows?

Note: I’m using LibreOffice (from official PPA) on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

I tried preparing the clipboard data as a .csv file but this results in the entire csv file being copied entirely into the first cell of the table, the last cell of the table, or all cells of the table. The table feature in Writer doesn’t seem able to handle data that is distributed over more than one cell at a time. Maybe someone else can suggest a solution.

You will need a few intermediate steps:

  • Paste the data in a instance of Writer.
  • Convert text to table (menu Table - Convert - Text to Table…).
  • Copy/cut the data from the newly created table and paste it in the second row of the target table; or drag it.

Maybe you will need to reaply the format to the cells.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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