How to achieve smooth mouse wheel scrolling in LibreOffice Writer (Windows 10)?

By default scrolling is “jumpy”. It instantly jumps by x pixels instead of scrolling whole document frame by frame.

Smooth Scrolling does NOT work. This feature has remained broken since first reported in 2020 and is not going away.

When scrolling with a hard-wired mouse or Bluetooth mouse the document page moves to a random location until the mouse is subsequently moved laterally. Interestingly the page count at the bottom left of the screen tracks accurately.

When dragging on the right hand vertical scroll bar the displayed page will move a few lines and then lock up until the mouse center button is released. The displayed page FAILS to move in real time.

I’m running LibreOffice on iOS 13.6.5.
Note: In LibreOffice\View Hardware Acceleration, Anti-aliasing and Skia are all UNCHECKED.
In LibreOffice Writer\View Smooth scroll IS checked.

The other word processors available to me move the displayed page smoothly and accurately whether using mouse scroll or the RH scroll bar.

Please advise when a tested and proven solution is made available.

Thank you,

Please test in safe mode, Menu/Help/Restart in Safe Mode

You can achieve this by going to Tools > Options > Libreoffice Writer/Web > View

Make sure the “Smooth Scroll” is enabled.

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Does not work. This option does literally nothing on Windows 10. It also didn’t work in Libreoffice 5.

Same here. Does nothing on windows.

Still doesn’t work.

I can make Word 2010 scroll the same as LO if I turn off Smooth-scroll list boxes in System Properties > Advanced (search for systempropertiesadvanced next to Start menu) but the setting makes no difference to LO.
There is a Smooth scroll setting in LibreOffice, Tools > Options > LibreOffice Writer > View but it seems to make little difference.

Reducing the number of lines the mouse scrolls (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Mouse) makes it appear somewhat smoother. At a scroll setting of one line at a time LO is smoother; Word 2010 or FireFox also scrolls one line at a time but with less acceleration (slower?) so it appears less jerky. All three programs cannot scroll with the mouse wheel a smaller distance than one line (standard Microsoft line?) at a time so it is an appearance thing, not an accuracy thing.

Thanks for sharing these valuable points.

Sigh, still, two years laters, there seems to be no real smooth scrolling option i LibreOffice.

Since this is no solution to the question, delete your non-answer (which confuses visitors) and repost as a comment. This is enough to refresh the question. Note this site is not a forum and uses two user “interactions”: solutions and comments. Yhere is no “conversation” concept here.

Clicking on the down arrow on the vertical scroll bar does the job. Now the question is how to emulate this with the keyboard.

It doesn’t work on Mac/Linux either. This is a general issue. Wondering how easy it might be to solve.

The following settings worked for me. At least it fixed the overall choppyness on my M1 Macbook Pro 14:

Options → View → deactive “Force Skia software rendering”.

It´s pretty smooth now, maybe that helps.