How to add full page background image?

I have tried several types of things but either I can not get them to work, they don’t work or the advice is for old versions of the libre writer. I am using (x64). I have a reason to not update to the most most recent but I don’t remember it now.

Here is my problem. I want the first page to have a full page background image. I have a suitable image with the correct size for this. For the rest of the pages I just want full page color. I have figured out the full page color but for the life of me I can not get full page background images to work.

How do you add a full page background image to a single page?

Does this search result work for you?

If it doesn’t work, have you tried to insert the image in first page header. Adjust position and size to fit.

Since the image must appear only on first page, this is a rare case where it is legitimate to anchor it To page.

This could be an alternate method which is not restricted to .bmp.

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How do I use a template to add a background picture to another existing document?

I think I am just going to give up. All the solutions are hacks and I don’t even understand them. Since I am going to convert the file into pdf it is probably easier to just add a front page to a pdf file than to keep spending time on this.

If your document is not already templated, using a template to try and modify it is doomed to fail if you don’t understand the styles principles. Templating a document afterwards is possible but for sure this is a hack, contrary to the methods described to insert a background image.

A background image is associated with a page style. Consequently, you need two of them: one for first page, one for subsequent pages. If you didn’t set up so, it won’t work.

If you’re at ease with stitching together a front page to your pdf, please do, it might be much simpler if you don’t master the styles subtleties.

Of course it is a hack trying to do a full page image. Home printers might be able to print to the edge but not double sided and possibly shortens life of printer. Commercial printers need a bleed area outside the page so they can trim to size. You should be using inDesign, Scribus or some other layout program that can output a pdf with bleed, trim, etc.