Within a macro, how can I supply a value to a control in a report?
By way of example, I run a query to provide data for a report, then open the report:
orept = Thisdatabasedocument.reportdocuments.getbyname("R-ThisJob").open
I now wish to supply a title or header which is specific to that query, but is not contained in the answer table. The control is a label field with the name “Title”.
oRept.PageHeader.Title.Label = "Something specific"
How do I address this? (What I have written obviously does not work - but conveys the intention.) With a form (called with the variable NextForm
), I can use the following syntax:
main_form = NextForm.Component.getDrawPage().getForms().getByName("MainForm")
oField = main_form."FS_Name"
oField.label = Wanted
Is there a related syntax for addressing a control in a report? I haven’t been able to find relevant documentation.