How to align the sub-lines with the first line in bulletins or numbers?

I need to write a list of bulletins or numbers. All is alright, but when a single point takes more than one line in the document, the continuation of that line goes under the bulletin instead of being aligned with the first line above it (i.e. the beginning of the text after the bulletin).
Is there any way to fix this? I tried to work around it with Bulletin and Numbering options, as well as Paragraph (indent and before text options) but nothing really worked.

Don’t know which version of LibreOffice are you using because I get that effect by default (GNU/Linux, LO 5.1.6).

If you still need to thinker with this, you should check list styles. Go to List styles (category after page styles) and modify one of list styles. Think that ‘List 1’ is a good choice. In tab Position you can set indentation of first line and subsequent lines.

Position of list character (solid black dot) is set in field ‘Aligned at’. Distance between list character and first line is set in filed ‘at:’. Now, if you want distance for the second line to be equal to that of the first line, just copy value from ‘at:’ to ‘Indent at:’ and that’s it.

Apply that style to all of your lists.

Thanks. I’m using the latest ( I was checking the menus but seems on Windows the order of menus and options is different. There is, however, a separate menu for “Styles,” I wonder if this is the one?

oh I got it (F11 to view different styles) - and yes List 1 did work (but i would have to fix the font and size later as well). Now it looks perfect! Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Well, you still need your paragraph styles. Font size and type is set with paragraph styles, list styles are just for defining how lists should look like. Next step would be to connect this list style with new paragraph style. Make new paragraph style, let’s say ‘My list’ and set font and spacing. In tab ‘Outline and numbering’ choose ‘List 1’ as ‘Numbering style’ and every time you apply ‘My list’ paragraph style, you’ll get list with font you like and subsequent lines indented as you like.

yep … i need to experiment with those options thoroughly when I get the time to :slight_smile: thanks :slight_smile:

Don’t wait until you have the time to learn to work with styles. You will save much time if you do it now.

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