How to assure 2 columns are not sorted separately

I have a CALC sheet and frequently have to sort.
4 columns, MANY* rows.
How can I assure that Col B and Col C are BOTH sorted and that neither can be sorted without the other?

As always,
Thank you,
⌡im [THE BookMan]

This is a typical spreadsheet application as we know it since the 80ies. Range operations apply to selections. If you select a column, the selected column will be sorted.
I guess, you try to use the quick-sort buttons [A-Z] or [Z-A] on the main toolbar.
If you select the entire range to be sorted, this range will be sorted by the active cell’s column.
If you select a single cell, the current region of non-empty cells are sorted by the active cell’s column.

Thank you … this is how I do it now.
Had a scare the other day when I sorted colA and hadn’t selected colB.
Was able to “UNDO” a couple of times and recover the connection … PHEW !

from a theoretical point of view, need 2 extra columns to store a checksum reference of pairs B+C, then the actual formula to calculate it, and some red formatting to alert when a mismatch occurs. :tired_face:

more pragmatically, just hide B and C and show a kind of concat in E.

After defined a data range.
with it selected, set up the sort options, Menu/Data/Sort.
Next time, going to a cell in that range, Menu/Data/Sort remembers the sorting options.

Perfect … I knew you guys had already figured it out, I just couldn’t understand from the documentation.

Thanks !