No there isn’t, and shouldn’t be.
The dialogs are there to (1) inform use that a crash happened last time (which is by the way not always obvious: sometimes it happens at shutdown, and without any messages; user could close application, agree with saving changes, and not realize something went wrong); (2) allow user to choose to attempt recovery or not (and that is essential, because in some cases, when a crash was caused by something in the document, an attempt to recover could crash again, and not being able to skip recovery would make LO crash at startup, without a way to uncheck the option other than resetting the user profile); (3) show user if all files were recovered successfully or not (and it might be a crucial information). Not showing the dialogs would give surprises to users when opening some document: other documents could open “by itself”; a user could not realize that a recovered document needs checking before saving in place of the original (sometimes a recovered document could be corrupted, and the older saved document be in a better state) - and dialogs draw attention to that.