How to avoid multi user overwrite each other in Base

I have successfully configure LibreOffice Base in a Multi User Scenario and all works well, except for protection or warning that two user could edit the same record and overwrite each other changes.

This is my setup:

Database: MySQL Community Edition
LibreOffice Base: v5.01
Connection: JDBC (32 bit JRE)
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit
Two PCs:

  • First PC runs server and LibreOffice Base to create one user access
  • Second PC runs LibreOffice Base to create second user access

Test Scenario

  1. First PC: Open Base, Open Form, Go to first record of first table, enter data into field but do not commit
  2. Second PC: Open Base, Open Form, Go to first record of first table, enter data into field but do not commit
  3. No warning give. In other databases I used a warning was given as soon as I try to edit the same record that somebody else is editing at the same time
  4. Random saving on both clients. No warning is every given. Save is executed. A refresh on the other client shows the saved record of the alternate client.

How to I solve the problem / change configuration so that the second PC is not allowed to edit the same record the first PC is already editing?

Any help is appreciated,

Thanks in advance,


P.S. This is a re-post. My first post disappeared after 12 hours