I have a few Calc sheets with sensitive data, so I’m thinking how to best protect them. Password protection in Calc only protects for changes or to be read only, so that doesn’t fit.
I’ve used 7zip to password protect file, and then open it from Archive manager, which works fine, and I believe is also relatively safe and hard decrypt. I’m wondering though if it makes temp files when you open file, and/or makes some autosave/backup files somewhere in temp folders, and if those get left behind?
I’ve also noticed it wouldn’t run macros. (Probably because I’ve set to be safe folder in my documents folder, but when it gets uncompressed it probably runs from some temp file)
Any other suggestions?
I mostly use them in Fedora Linux. I’m not sure if there is an easy solution to encrypt a file from within Fedora and then it will ask you for a password if you want to encrypt it again. I don’t need to encrypt entire filesystem, when it’s a question of a few files, which I don’t even open that often.
I’m surprised there is no option in LO to encrypt file for even see it. AFAIK when you chose ready only protection with reasonable password it will actually encrypt the file, so it’s not easy to make it writable, so routine is already there. Or there is already an option to view protect directly in LO Calc, and I just didn’t find it.
Help is a good way to find information. This older question and answer should help, it applies to any LibreOffice program, How do I encrypt a Writer document
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