How to change default Exchange Databases/ Text Connection Settings/ Field separator


I often create form letters and have to connect to different databases in Writer.
I use the Edit/ Exchange Database/ Browse to pick a db, and then there is the Text Connection Settings dialog prefilled with Field separator ‘,’ and Character set ‘System’. And I always have to change these two into ‘;’ and ‘UTF-8’.
Is there a way to overwrite the defaults for these fields?


looks hardcoded
textconnectionsettings.cxx (revision d52a4dba6a247a0ee2e1c419533818fbfd281f71) - OpenGrok cross reference for /core/dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/textconnectionsettings.cxx

maybe configurable at compile time …
dsitems.hxx (revision a4d4445e698b78ec0c2eb61a685869bd1d8bfd85) - OpenGrok cross reference for /core/dbaccess/source/ui/inc/dsitems.hxx

Do you have many odb files, one for each database table?
A.odb → A.csv
B.odb → B.csv

You can store all the csv files with equal import options in one directory and then switch between tables of the same database instead of switching between databases. Each csv in the same directory is a table of the same database.