If our manuscript is fully styled, all you have to do is to change the character style for these initial words.
As an author, your text styling translate the significance and other effects of your text.
The main tool is paragraph styles. These classify paragraphs into “common” discourse, headings, comments, notes, citations, …
Inside paragraphs, you use character styles when there is a difference with the general paragraph semantics like emphasis, foreign word, irony, trade mark, dialogue, … In particular, you can have a specific character style for the first three words which are typed as using, without any specific case.
When it comes to formatting and lay out, you tune your styles without ever modifying your text. It can then have very different looks, only through style changes (margins, indents, vertical spacing, font face, size, weight, angle, color, casing, …).
If you followed this simple rule (full styling which separates contents from appearance), changing the full caps casing of the first three words is done by removing the Capitals or Small Capitals flag in the adequate character style Font Effects
tab. In 10 seconds, your manuscript is updated.
If you didn’t style, you can’t but manually track the words and retype them.
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