How to change the content of a comment based on the value of a specific cell?

Hi everyone!
I’m having trouble with the following:

How can I change the content of a comment based on the value of a specific cell? I have a spreadsheet that is supposed to be used by both speakers of Dutch and French. With a simple IF()-formula I was able to translate the language content in the regular cells based on the value of a specific cell (‘Dutch’ or ‘French’) that the user can select using a drop-down box. Now the entire spreadsheet is translated except for the comment boxes.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

AFAIK you can’t do that

Roughly this way:

Sub roamAnnotationsInActiveSheetAndDoSomething()
doc         = ThisComponent
sheet       = doc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
annotations = sheet.Annotations
REM roam:
For Each a In annotations
  With a.Position
REM The property named 'Position' In this case is not a X-Y-position (view)
REM as used with graphical objects otherwise,
REM but the CellAddress of the cell the annotation is assigned to! 
    anchor = sheet.getCellByPosition(.Column, .Row)
  End With
REM Do something (silly example):
  If anchor.String = "en" Then
    a.String = "English text"
  End If
Next a
End Sub