How to Change Thumbnail icon Badge image?

As the Title states, I would like to change the Badge image that appears on LibreOffice File Thumbnails (I’m on Windows 10). The generic gray LibreOffice Badge icon makes it hard at a glance, to distinguish which files are what, especially when other image files (jpg, png, etc.) are in the same folder with their own Thumbnail.

Is there a way to change the Badge image to each specific LibreOffice Application (LibreOffice Writer, Calc, etc)? This would also Standardize how LibreOffice Files are Displayed / Shown in Windows File Explorer. With the example I’ve shared, when the Folder View is set to “Details”, the icon image shown is LibreOffice Calc, but when the View is set to “Medium” or “Large icons”, you then see the File’s Thumbnail with LibreOffice’s gray generic icon in the lower right corner.

Thanks, Cheers!

Change LBROF Thumbnail icon Badge image_2024-11-27

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