How to concatenate two fields in a libreoffice base report

I want to concatenate three name fields in a LibreOffice Base report. In Microsoft Access, I used the following: = [Last Name]&”, “&[First Name]&” “&[Middle Name]. How do I do this in a Base report with the same name fields?

Did you try it? Have tested it the same way - no problem here. But you will get empty results when one of the fields is NULL.

Better: Use your database for getting the fields as you want. Create a view for your report which creates a separate field.
Something like

"Last Name"||","||
COALESCE(' '||"First Name",'')||
COALESCE(' '||"Middle Name",'') AS "Name" 
FROM "Tablename"
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I like the “Better” option, but I’m a newbie to LibreOffice Base, and have no idea how to “create a view” for a report. Is this a modification to the database? Or the Report? Could you please give me a step-by-step as how to do that? Thanks!!!