How to configure LibreOffice Calc to display a maximum of 10 digits for decimal numbers like Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, when a cell is formatted as “General” and its content is a decimal number, Excel displays a maximum of 10 digits (both before and after the decimal point), with the last digit rounded.

However, when I open the same Excel file in LibreOffice Calc, Calc displays up to 15 digits in total.

Is there a way to configure LibreOffice Calc to behave the same as Excel, showing a maximum of 10 digits in total for decimal numbers?

I have tried the “Limit decimals for general number format” option, but that option only applies to the digits after the decimal point and does not include the digits before the point.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

The LibreOffice uses the double precision floating numbers for the calculations and for the displaing results. It has a dynamic accuracy with about 15 decimal digit.

You can format these numbers to less (10) decimal place in the Calc.
But - I suppose it - you want to format them to 10 significant figure:

It is more difficult.
You can use the built-in Engineering format, or you must create your own macro functions.

Tools>Options>Calc>Calculate… “Limit decimals for general number format”
The settings on that dialog page are a per-document settings. In order to make this a general setting:
File>Templates>Manage… right-click the template and make it your default template.