Hi, I am using Writer for writing mathematical documents. I use Times New Roman as the default font. When I enter a unicode character that is not defined in the Times New Roman font, a character for an alternative font appears, while Writer still shows the font as being Times New Roman in the toolbar.
For example, if I enter the C for complex numbers (U+2102 Double Struck Capital C), Writer 3.6.3 shows the character ℂ of the Arial Unicode font (and if I select the character, I see “Times New Roman” in the Toolbar, not “Arial Unicode”). However, in Writer 3.6.2, it showed the C of the “Deja Vu Sans” font, which I prefer. See examples:
(https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3853844/3.6.2.jpg) and (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3853844/3.6.3.jpg)
How do I control this? Where do I ask LibreOffice to use the “Deja Vu Sans” font for characters that are not available on “Times New Roman”?
I know I can change the font for each time I use this ℂ, but it is much easier if I can specify a replacement rule… Thanks!!