How to convert column in $ to other column in euro?

I have a list of prices in $ in column A and need them into euro’s in column B.
In the help I found the function CONVERT with an example:

=CONVERT(100;“ATS”;“EUR”) returns the Euro value of 100 Austrian Schillings.
=CONVERT(100;“EUR”;“DEM”) converts 100 Euros into German Marks.

and thought putting in column B : =CONVERT(A11,“USD”,“EUR”) would do the trick, but it returns #N/A.

Help ? :slight_smile: Thy

Figured out an easy way to do this! First, get the Stock Market Functions extension:

Then you can look up your currency conversion in Yahoo:

Then use the GETYAHOO function provided by SMF to get the currency conversion that can auto-update:


Use the yahooexample.ods provided by SMF to see what all the datacodes mean. 21 is the last trade price.

Note that the original developer discontinued the SMF extension, further development releases are available from dhocker/SMF-Extension.

Some information Here

Points here for more information for Open Document Standards

EuroConvert possibilities here

But does not indicate anything about USD or CAD

Have a look on my answer, its true also for EuroConvert


It should be obvious that this Function can only work between Currencys with a fixed exchange rate eg. Currencys from Countries in euro zone from|to € , but from US$ to €UR is no fixed Rate, you have to lookup on your favourite stock exchange site for actual Rates and do the math by yourself.

Thanks for this info. That’s a unique way around the European currency system to Euros. When I buy USD from CAD, 3 years ago was equal, today’s it costs 1.30 to buy a USD. And 1.47 for a Euro. So the monetary units in the EuroConvert are not trade value dependent.