How to convert Google Doc to .odt and fix bullet formatting?

If I download a Google Doc as a .odt file, bulleted lists are not formatted as expected. If I attempt to change the indentation of an item in a list, it simply cycles through the bullet styles without actually changing the indentation. Is there a way to reset all of the bulleted lists back to the default Libreoffice style so that they will work properly?

For that matter, is there a way to reset the entire document back to the default style, so that it doesn’t look different from a document created in Libreoffice from scratch?

You can achieve this if you use the styles of LibreOffice.

Before that you should remove all unknown formatting; select all the text and Ctrl+M.
Then assign the text to the “Text Body” paragraph style.

Professional text composition with Writer

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IMHO there is no single default “document-style”. With the methods already mentioned by @Hrbrgr you can remove direct formatting (Ctrl-M) or reset all styles, but you (deliberately) loose all formatting here and have to start again. What is left is only text.
Sometimes this is the way to go. Then I try to generate a pdf first and put it on one half of the screen, to use it as visual guide, when reworking the plain text to something prettier…

As I understand, GoogleDocs did the conversion to .odt. You may try to convert to .docx first, as often the conversion to M$ gets more work then other path. As I don’t use GoogleDocs I can’t tell, if this works better.

From numerous questions about Google Doc export to .odt (or even .docx then conversion to .odt), it appears GDoc is not reliable in the job. Its interpretation of the format causes many later difficulties.
If you really want to keep the document as .odt (native format for LO Writer), the best option is to paste your unformatted text into a blank new document, then restyle it consistently and rigorously. Avoid direct formatting because it will always lead you into trouble even if direct formatting looks “easier” and “natural” (because Word has no other means of formatting within paragraphs, i.e. highlighting words with italic, bold, …).

One last word: bullet or number lists is one of the most diverging issue between suites. It is also theoretically complex. In Writer, an ordinary paragraph is turned into a list item when a list style (yet another style category) is applied over some paragraph (style). If you want your lists to behave “properly” in a predictable manner, learn to use list styles (they are complex). Avoid Format>Bullet & Numbering which is a poor one-size-fits-all attempt at compatibility with badly design Word feature.

Note: There is not (never was and never will be) 100% compatibility between the different file formats. You must work (less or more) on the formatting properties after a “conversion”.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. It sounds like there is no easy and perfect solution. I actually have several dozen Google Doc files that I may want to convert. I think the lesson for me is to start keeping notes in some sort of plaintext format whenever possible.

Or: Always use one type of editors (the native one for the actual file type), and use an international standard file format like the ODF (Open Document Format).