I’d like to add sections in a form and use buttons to switch from a section to an other.
Supposing to have a form called FORMULARIO and 4 sections called UNO, DUE, TRE and QUATTRO, how do i make it work?
Searching in the internet i found this macro and seems to be similar to what i need, but it was not provided of comments and so, i don’t know how to custumize it, nor i’m able in write a macro by myself.
Any help?
sub PysAfficher(PysEvent)
dim i as integer
for i = 0 to thiscomponent.TextSections.count - 1
if thiscomponent.TextSections(i).name = PysEvent.Source.Model.Name then
thiscomponent.TextSections(i).IsVisible = true
thiscomponent.TextSections(i).IsVisible = false
PysEvent.Source.Model.parent.getByName(thiscomponent.TextSections(i).name).state = 0
end if
next i
end sub
Thanks in advance to anybody will help me.