I think I already know the answer to this (it’s not possible), but I figured it’s worth asking before giving up.
Here is the situation, I have two sections of text: one in langA and the translation in langB. This is part of a larger document. What I am trying to do is have langA line up with landB in two columns. But, because the translation is a reference in the larger document, I need to be able to cite it by line number, where line number N matches up with the Nth line in the langA column. So I want something like this:
1 dsfsdfsdf | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
5 dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
10 dfsdfsdff | afdfsfsddfds
That last bit of line numbering is where I am stuck. Currently I have a table with everything lined up, however there is no way to get the line number with the table (that I have found). I could use numbered lists, but to be honest it looks bad and I want a more professional look. Is there anyway to accomplish what I am trying to do? Or should I look to some other program to accomplish my task.