This is about LibreOffice Writer.
I often need or certainly want to convert copied and pasted tables to plain text and am not finding any way to be able to create a short-cut key combination for this. I tried with the Tools | Options and Tools | Personalization menus (using a French version of LibreOffice), and Personalization permits creating some or defining some shortcut key combinations, but there apparently isn’t a way to create a shortcut for converting tables to text.
Since CTRL+T evidently isn’t defined and I think of it as T meaning text, so “please give me text format”, this is the key combination I’d use. CTRL+C, C for convert, could do, but it could be for converting to formats other than plain text. So, T is what I’d want. I never have to create many tables, so using the Table or Tables menu is sufficient, but I often need or rather want to convert many tables to plain text in order to require fewer pages. Needing to place the mouse pointer in every table to be converted and then go through the Table menu route to do the many conversions is a serious nuisance, very frustrating. A shortcut key combination would greatly speed up the process of doing the conversions.
There should be a way to create or define wholly new shortcuts for functionality not presently included in the Personalization dialogue or whatever it’s called.