How-to create a shortcut for Writer or Calc on a Mac?

I’d like to have individual shortcuts (aliases) for Writer and Calc on a mac OS-X desktop.
Thanks for your help.

Is there really a problem creating shortcuts to individual LibreOffice programs? How to create shortcut folders in the dock implies that it is straightforward.

To paraphrase the page “To add running apps to your Dock permanently, right-click on an app icon in the Dock, hover over Options, then click Keep in Dock.”


Is there really a problem creating shortcuts to individual LibreOffice programs?

Yes there is a problem - because there are no things like,, etc. on macOS as there are such wrappers on Windows (swriter.exe, scalc.exe, …) and Linux. You used the phrase “to individual LibreOffice programs” and that’s the problem here (and the reason why the link provided doesn’t help). Writer, Calc… are not individual programs. They all are the same single binary. In other words: LibreOffice is a monolithic program.

In addition, I can’t find an and easy way (which exists in Windows, Linux) to define a “shortcut” file. The “alias” created by the procedure described in the link provided results in a binary file, which cannot be edited so you could call soffice --writer or some such. Also tried to call the correct command from a terminal and to “Keep in Dock” the resulting application. This also ends up in having the Start Center in Dock.

So it can’t done, sorry for jumping in. I assumed that MacOS would have more in common with Linux. I don’t use the Start Centre, probably for similar reasons to HIF6-hks wish to bypass it.

So it can’t done

That’s not what I’m saying. But as far as I can see (I’m really not familiar with macOS), you need to create an Apple Script calling the required soffice --<module> sequence, and store that Apple Script as an .app (,, etc…) - but creating “Apple Script” scripts is beyond my knowledge.

Writer, Calc… are not individual programs. They all are the same single binary. In other words: LibreOffice is a monolithic program.

@anon73440385: Thank you for such a clear (Sorry, couldn’t miss the pun :wink: answer).

Now, how can I mark this question as solved?

… didn’t understand the pun anyway and my comment was addressed to @EarnestAl