Why can I not easily set an export resolution in Draw for SVG files? (Why does Screen 16:9 not export to HD 1920x1080 by default?)
Why does the Openshot Editor not recognize the text fields created in Draw?
Is there an inherent reason why Draw SVG’s would be different then Inkscape .SVGs to third-party programs? (Inktscape itself reads LO Draw fine.) Do I understand correctly that SVGs are a complex fileformat for some reason? -
Is there a trick/workaround/plugin to make them similar? (Inktscape ‘clean up document’ did not help)
I did file a related bug report, Apparently their title editor is very simple and does not work well with third-party SVG
title editor fails to open .SVG if text property=Flowroot, · Issue #3367 · OpenShot/openshot-qt · GitHub
[old do I need to file a bug report with OpenShot? (I wanted to make sure I was doing things right on the LO side before asking there)
I will now do 4 anyway, because it turns out empty Inkscape documents do not work well either, only edited templates from openshot ]1
Openshot is a video editor allows SVG files to be used as title/text templates. It has an internal editor that recognizes the text fields in SVG files and allows easy text and color makeup from those templates. OpenShot Video Editor | Video Title Editor for Linux!
Openshots default external editor is Inkscape, but it does not have as many shapes as Draw. As Draw is a vector based image program as well, I hoped it to work too. While it does not open .SVG as native images, it does allow me to export them.
With What
Windows 10 LO
Openshot 2.5.1
Inkscape 0.9 +1.0beta
However, when trying to load those LO Draw SVG exports in OpenShot, they do not work.
They do show up as templates and the option ‘edit title’ is shown. But they do not open in the editor.
Nor load in the track line at all and refuse to even be used as image.
They even make the whole program laggy and unstable when I try. (The 20-30 kb SVG used total of 16 GB ram)
The latter has to do with SVG and viewBox values. Not sure how to set in LO Draw.
In Inkscape,
up top X 0 Y 0 W 1920 H 1080
set Document properties to px,
set page size to HD
set custom size to 1920x1080 Unit=px
set scale to 1x
(viewbox leave 0x0 - 1920x1080 )
Now OpenShot is critical of what .SVG’s it allows. OpenShot closes when I import or drag SVG files on project · Issue #2809 · OpenShot/openshot-qt · GitHub
But before I asked there, I wanted to be sure I am using the right settings in Draw.
What I have found
With Draw, in other filters during export a menu pops up for choosing resolution, but not for SVG.
(I noticed that exporting in Draw to different formats gives different default resolutions)
To set the resolution in Draw under Page in pixels in stead of mm, I first need to go to
Options>LO Draw>General> Set unit options in Point (in stead of mm)
When opening the exported SVG file, it still gives the file size in mm in stead of pixels
Exporting from Draw HD gives a size of 992x558 (Gimp)
(For exporting from from Impress HD then importing that SVG in Inkscape/GIMP, it gives a resolution of
28000x15750 pix)
The odd thing is that every program seems to be giving different resolutions to SVG files
File LibreOffice IrfanView Inktscape GIMP Chrome/XML
LO default LoDemo 16x9 280.00 x157.50 mm 794x446 pt 450 x 253 px 15.9 x 8.9 cm 992x558 px 280mm" height="157.5mm
OpenshotTemplate CreativeCommons1 16x9 508.00x285.75 mm 1440x810 pt 450x253 px 15.9x8.9 mm 1920x1080
What I have tried
I disabled the borders. I leave master background and Master Objects checked. (whatever they may be).
I used separate text boxes in stead of the one included in the shape
Importing in Inkscape, and using the ‘clean up document’ function(Did reduce the file size)
reset the image size from mm to 1920x1080 in inkscape and Notepad++
Export to .WMF+.EMF , import in Inkscape and then export to SVG
But it still will not import correctly.
Do I need to convert shapes to path before export?
Edited to clean up and restate the questions, and add new things I tried