I know how to create a bubble chart when I have columns seperate columns with the X and Y coordinates and the bubble sizes.
However I now have created a pivot table and I want to create a bubble chart which uses the column labels for the X axis, the row labels for the Y axis and the pivot table values for the bubble sizes.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
Edit: I want to achieve something similar to GitHub punch cards.
Edit: I cannot provide my original file but my pivot table looks something like this:
Items sold
Hour of the day
User 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
John 5 7 12 15 21 7 9 12 2
Jane 0 2 7 23 31 16 12 7 7
And then I need a bubble graph with Hour of the day on the X axis, User on the Y axis and Items sold as the bubble size.