in LibreOffice v4.0.1.2 on Windows XP sp3 I did the following:
- Format | Styles and Formatting
- In default Cell Styles I have created several cell styles that I need.
How to associate keyboard shortcut to each of cell style?
in LibreOffice v4.0.1.2 on Windows XP sp3 I did the following:
How to associate keyboard shortcut to each of cell style?
Excellent this works fine.
Now that you have your custom cell styles, how about a custom cell formatting toolbar instead of hard-to-remember keyboard shortcuts?
Here’s an outline of what to do
Record a macro that sets a cell to a given style and give the macro a distinctive name. The cell style name will be in one of the macro statements.
Copy the macro and paste a copy for each cell style, changing the cell style name in the copies.
Construct a custom toolbar, e.g. CellFormat, and assign the cell-formatting macros to the toolbar
Save the toolbar either with the spreadsheet or in Libreoffice Calc.
Save the spreadsheet as a template (first changing all cell formats back to Default). You can choose that template as the default spreadsheet template if you wish.
Then select your cells, click on the toolbar cell format name. Done.
You can even assign custom icons to the CellFormat toolbar entries.