How to create new line styles?

I need to use a 3 line border in a text frame for a specific thing, but can not find the way to do that. The user who needs it soled to do that in Word, but she can not find the way to do it in Writer, nor do I. Is there a way to draw a 3 line pattern and import it as a new line style?
Thanks in advice.

What is the specific thing? Is it a paragraph, a word, an image, a formula, a frame? Edit your question (don’t use an answer) to describe accurately your need. There is no general solution, only workarounds depending on the case.

This is an ugly workaround.

Getting even spacing all around needs careful manual editing.

Since you want a triple border around a text frame, insert another frame inside the first, then another one in the frame just inserted. After that, set the borders individually. You’ll need to adjust the size and position in the Type tab of the frame properties (accessed with right-click). Choose an adequate Wrap mode so that the inner frames are kept centered.

This is what I get, but more tuning is necessary before the ideal result:

Sorry, there is no way to save the arrangement in a style. I suggest that once you have a satisfactory look, you copy and paste the first frame group to create a new occurrence. This assumes that all frames have the same size.

Other DTP apps are better suited for this kind of work. I remember Quarl XPress® had a comprehensive set of borders. I do not use Scribus so I dion’t know if it offers such a feature.

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Yes, thank you. This is the way I showed her yesterday, but it is really ugly. By the way, the double line border prints also bad, so it is better to do the same for a double line.


You could insert some “nested” table cells in your frame. See discussion in [WRITER] Create an area with an inner border and text padding and given example:

Yes, it seems very much better an it is more easy to do. Thank you.