How to crop a drawing inside of a writer document?

I am writing notes for a class in Writer, and some concepts need drawings, so being able to insert drawings right into the text without having to fiddle with another program or extra files is really nice. The part that isn’t nice, however, is that every time, no matter the size or spacing of the drawing on the canvas, there is a massive border of whitespace around the content. I can move the drawing behind the text so my words aren’t covered up, which is nice, but this margin becomes problematic both when I have multiple drawings close together because one ends up covering part of another, and in the case seen in the attached screenshot, when I need the drawing to be close to the edge of the page. I am unable to move part of the drawing off of the page, so the big margin prevents me from putting the image where I want. As I am aware, one cannot “crop” drawing objects like images (unless I was misinformed and am using the program wrong), but is there something I can do to get rid of that thick border?

I don’t understand what you mean by “margin” in “but this margin becomes problematic”. Do you mean the bounding rectangle as shown by the green handles is way larger than the effective shapes?

You probably have grouped some invisible drawing object with your tree-like shape.

I suggest you build your drawings with Draw (which is included with LO) where you have more powerful and versatile tools than in Writer. It is easier to control very precisely what you include in your grouping.

Select the subset of the shapes you want to import into Writer, copy and then paste into Writer. Don’t forget to tune wrap mode to control interaction with text.

In any case, when asking here, always mention OS name, LO version and save format.

Thank you for your help; I’ll try that in the future. Sorry about not including those details, I’ll do so now. For reference to you or anyone else, I’m using KDE Neon 6.2, LO, and ODT save format.