How to deal with #N/A caused by FILTER() on a selected range?

Do I really need to delete and re-enter the formula every time the data changes?

In the file, under the Reference column, what if one the cells was changed not catering to the criteria (>5) anymore? The Filtered column now has #N/A. Is there a way to solve this?

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 480(Build:2)
CPU threads: 2; OS: Linux 6.6; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: en-US (en_US.UTF-8); UI: en-US
Calc: threaded

Here’s the file
filter.xlsx (6.6 KB)

There are a couple of bugs in relation with the matter.
Bug 127808 - Add dynamic arrays in to Calc
Bug 161642 - output range of SORT function does not expand when source range becomes larger
Some discussion in this thread
(Ask) New function FILTER


After knowing it’s a known bug, since I only need to not show the #N/A, I’m guessing the best bet would be hiding it with conditional formatting?

Nvm, conditional formatting doesn’t work as well. Setting Font color transparency to 100% resets to 0% after re-opening the file.

I can’t even delete a custom style that I’ve created. :person_facepalming:

Cells should not be using the custom style that needs to be deleted

The mentioned bugs aren’t addressing exactly this question, but the much more general problems concerning formulas locking an output range which may suffer from underflow or overflow (spilling). The erroneous behaviour in case of exactly one needed row (or column) in a larger locked range is related to these problems.

(I’m still interested in an exchange concerning the means I proposed in the thread alraedy linked by @mariosv.)

Or perhaps IFNA() :

I also tried it with IFERROR(), both didn’t work, unfortunately :frowning:


Have you tried without {} (no array formula) ?

It works when it’s not an array. But I want it to be an array, I want to use FILTER()

With IFNA(A1:A3;...) you specify 3 rows but the array appears to be stretched over 5 rows, so of course rows 4 and 5 display #N/A because there is no array element to display.

There was mentioned that Excel has introduced a few years ago a new feature called “dynamic array”, and there is the (linked by @mariosv) already mentioned enhancement request tdf#127808 concerning compatibility.
I won’t buy and install Excel to play with that feature, but as far as I could learn from some “help” and the like, there are too many shortcomings and open questions.
Completely independent of that I created many years ago a tiny package of Basic routines (now accomplished and enhanced) which may be a better solution because it can as well avoid underflow and overflow of locked ranges as it can be used as a bridge from Calc formulas to imperative programming with named variables for what no additional user code is needed.
I mentioned this already in this ask site and in a forum, but it seems there is nobody who wants to learn a bit about it, and to test.
I am still interested in a discussion about this matter - and about my suggestions.
Don’t wait another 10 years. I’m 80 (&H50).

Dynamic arrays won’t help in this situation where the actual result array is 3 rows but the array formula display range is explicitly manually forced to 5 rows (if I deduced correctly from the screenshot). If it was a dynamic array (not CSE array) the display range would be shortened to the actual size.

The reason for this statment was that I thought Excel’s dynamic arrays wouldn’t help much in many cases.

Still not knowing any details about Excel’s “dya…”, I would claim that Lupp’s concept I mentioned is more valuable.