how to delete only the first lines within cell in libreoffice calc?

I have a huge no of cells in multiples columns. They have multiple lines in every cell. I want to remove every first line from each cell? any code/macro? or can i do it with regex?


if, and only if, the lines have been created using CTRL+ENTER and hence contain a line feed character at the end of each line, you could use the following Find & Replace procedure:

Use the following procedure:

  • Select your column / affected cells
  • Menu Edit -> Find & Replace
    Find: ^.+\n(.+)
    Replace: $1
    Other Options 1: [x] Current selection only
    Other Options 2: [x] Regular expressions
  • Click Replace All

Recommendation: Test the procedure using a copy of the original file.
WARNING Don’t use this procedure, if the lines appear due to Wrap text automatically option of cell’s format

Hope that helps.

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