How to delete stupid emojis from replacement XML (autocorrect)

I’ve been trying to delete those stupid emoji replacement entries from the autocorrect “table”… but without any success…

okay, I’ve finally succeeded…!! (I’ve done one more attempt using a slightly different method, which is still very ugly)

so, my question is, is there a nice and elegant way to achieve this?
to clear all emoji replacement entries?

what I do (the ugly way):
(note: I use libreoffice
find: user/libreoffice/4/user/autocorr/acor_en-US.dat

and I don’t extract it…
I only view it in archive manager (Linux Mint / Ubuntu)…
and open “DocumentList.xml”… using Geany or any other text editor…
and edit it…

Nota bene: there are 1500 entries for the stupid emojis… emoji, sorry :slight_smile:
whereas for the rest of the auto-corrections, in the scope of the verbal language, English, for example, only 824 entries…

ANYHOW, YOU have to use “wrap lines” or line “wrapping” in your text editor…

and find the first stupid emoji entry:
something that starts with “:”…
and select all the 1500 of them… and delete…
entries start with “<block” and end with “/>”…

and then when the archive manager asks you if you want to “update” the archive,
say “yes” : ) )

it works… it is just ugly

I only wish there was a better way to do that! : )
is there?

emoji are touch screen culture… not writing culture…
articles, novels, essays usually don’t contain emoji…
text messages / fb posts/messages do…

users who want to use emoji in a word processor developed for writing, such as our dear Writer, can easily google up the emoji they want to insert in their text…

PS 2:
oh, I forgot…
why is this bad?

imagine a URL which has numbers… and an underscore…
as it is autocorrected into an URL, it may change… and you might not even notice…
but when you do, you’ll want to edit the replacement table…
and you’ll realize that it sucks…
cause there are so many emoji in the replacement table that editing it involves huge pain right away…
then you realize you don’t want the emoji…
why does it belong to a language, such as English?
and you want to clear them… which won’t prove to be so easy…

I mean, my bet is that of 1 million users only 200 or maybe less will succeed…
not because it’s sooo complicated, but because it is a tad more complicated than what we’re ready to handle when being into some work…

*** thank you for developing Libreoffice * * *

What is your usage of AutoCorrect? Do you really rely on it for your routine work? If not, disable AutoCorrect completely with Tools>Autocorrect>. I have personally never seen a positive advantage with AutoCorrect but frequenly nuisances, notably with “technical” sequences like the URLs you mention.

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I love it for turning double hyphens into dashes…
and URLs into hyperLINKS …
otherwise, well… it is not a bad idea!!! : )
I’ve seriously never thought of it!!!

I’ll definitely give this a thought!!

oh, unfortunately, quotation marks also belong to autocorrect… which I need…
and I like trimming trailing spaces, too…
and oftentimes I do the two upper case characters error… which I like to see corrected without intervention : )

but that’s all…

wait a minute:
one option is “use replacement table”… and I can just leave it unchecked!
I think this is the way to go

You’re right. I commented too fast. This what I had really in mind. Apologies!