How to disable "show tips on startup" and "read release notes" on install?

I know this question was asked and answered recently (How do I keep LibreOffice writer from showing tips upon start-up?).

But I want to know how to do it in a script (not via the GUI).

I’m trying to write a script to minimize the number of GUI actions my new users need to do.

(I’d like to know for both Linux and Windows.)

Install this extension:

You may use command line to do that:

Or try (for Show tips):

Sub ShowTipOfTheDay(Optional ByVal show As Boolean)
  Dim oKey 
  If IsMissing(show) Then show=False
  GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary "Tools"
  oKey=GetRegistryKeyContent("org.openoffice.Office.Common/Misc", True)
End Sub