How to display 2 sections of Writer doc? (Split screen)

When I used that “other” word processor I could display the beginning and end of a long document by “splitting the screen” into two sections. My Writer files typically contain text with a citation. I want to see BOTH the text and the citation (“Source”) at the same time This requires a “split screen” with possibly several “screens” between text and citation.

The president said1 njkafasfjsfas

---- Split -----

  1. President said: https//

Google Blogger prevents me from using <A HREF://… so I have to cite my source near end of document. PITA, but it’s free.

Any help, pointers in general direction most welcome. TIA

Writer has no split screen feature per se. However, you can open another instance of the same document with Window>New Window. Resize and move the windows so that they fit side by side on your screen(s).

Both instances remain “connected” to each other, so that what you edit in one window is immediately echoed in the other. Saving one instance, flushes both. You have no conflict nor discrepancy: the windows are only two views on the same document.

Note: you are not limited to two instances if that’s useful.

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Ajlittoz - Thank you; that will work for me. (Glad were in WYSIWYG more; command more would be cumbersome :->)

This doesn’t work for me, because “New Window” is grayed out in Web view, and if I open the new window in Normal view and then switch back to Web mode it rudely closes my second window. Normal view doesn’t cut it with me as it wastes 75% of my screen width.

If you think it is important then you should post an enhancement request, How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki

Thanks, but there is already a request 42428 already opened for over 10 years now, with the last comment on it over 5 years ago.

That was marked a duplicate of tdf#31481 which is probably the one you intended.

Ah you’re right. I misread that last comment and thought it was saying that 31481 was the duplicate. It’s been a long day… :thinking:

You can try the macro from here.

Thank you very much for your help. Your help and input are very much appreciated.