How to Display a Choice from an Input List in Another Field?

I have a document which contains a field which is an input list composed of several options:

image description

I would like to be able to display the choice I made in this first field to display it in other parts of my document, like this :

image description

However, I cannot find a way to display in a field the content of the input list. The “Fields > Variables > Set Variable” tool only allows me to specify a constant. I only found one close question, but it does not provide a solution.

QUESTION: Is it possible to display in a field the chosen content of an input list?

The function which would allow that is Show variable which retrieves a variable value, while Set variable either creates a new variable or changes its value.

The problem here is an input list though named doesn’t create a variable of the same name making quite useless for your purpose.

A workaround is to create a new File>Properties in Custom Properties. It can be referenced through its name via Insert>Cross-reference, DocInformation, Type Custom (or the equivalent field).

However, there is no notion of closed list. When you modify the property with File>Properties, you can enter any text, which may bring in a value you did not expect.

There may be other workarounds. For that, edit your question to better describe the use of the choice in the list (e.g. to show a different version of the document, …).

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Thank you for your follow-up. Actually, I was a bit too quick to ask my question, because right after I submitted it, I found this post which contains a solution to my problem, using a different approach than yours though.

This link is much better than my solution. I suggest you answer your own question with it for community benefit.

I found a working solution for my problem in this question. This methods uses bookmarks and cross-references.