How to display a .pps presentation at its native resolution?

A .pps its native resolution ( Edit Presentation , Zoom Out at 100% ) is lower than my 1920x1080 screen .

LibreOffice version .

Change your slide format to 1920x1080. Perhaps it was originally made on a computer with a lesser screen format.

In Slide , Slide Properties… , Slide , Width: ( 1920 ) , Height: ( 1080 ) ? It doesn’t work .

That I said is e.g. a slide of native resolution of 1280x1024 ( how to know the native resolution of the slide of the .pps ? ) displayed natively ; 1280x1024 , not zoomed 1350x1080 .

Sorry, I wrote 1920x1080 but I meant to say 16:9.

What is the visible problem that you are trying to resolve?

It doesn’t work Ash733 .

I repeat : e.g. a .pps slide of 1280x1024 displayed in presentation 1280x1024 on my 1920x1080 screen , not zoomed 1350x1080 , to avoid buying a ≥1280x1024 screen …

It doesn’t seem possible , I’ll feature request it .

You didn’t answer the question; instead, you repeated the wanted result, which is different. An answer could be e.g. like “I see raster images distorted”; or “text displayed stretched to wrong width-to-height ratio”, or “the resulting raster images and/or text is pixelated”, … ?

Because there is no “native resolution” of the vector slide format; what is shown as its size is not measured in device pixels - the slide properties show you the “4:3” and similar rational formats for a reason. So - your question implies a wrong idea that such a thing as slide’s “native resolution” exists, in the first place.

I just wanna watch my slide natively , not zoomed .

Edit Presentation , Zoom Out at 100% .
Some slides have raster images .

I created the feature request :

Can you share a copy of the presentation, or an edited one that still shows the problem? I’m not sure I’m understanding your problem from your description.

You will absolutely get asked for a lot more information and an example document from the information you have supplied on that feature request.

Again: you misunderstand. There is no “native resolution” of slide, neither in PPT, nor in PPTX, nor in ODP. And the UI of both MS PowerPoint and LO Impress focus on the width-to-height relation of slides, not on their size (let alone “pixel size”); the presentation programs are intended to be displayed on different output devices (such as projectors), having different physical sizes and resolutions; and this makes the design of the applications (and their file formats) to focus on ratios, not on some physical sizes. And then, given that the formats we discuss here are vector-based, there is no “native resolution” of slides - at all. An inserted image may have its own relative size on slide, and another inserted raster image (with same pixel size) could have a different size on the slide - which itself is scaled on the output device - so there will be only effective resolution of the inserted raster images, but no “native”.

So your request makes absolutely no sense, and only shows that you need to get familiar with the applications and their fundamental concepts.

To clarify: the “100%” is not pixel-based: both in PowerPoint and Impress, the internal size of slide for editing is measured in physical units (mm, inches); and the 100% is calculated for each screen individually, taking the display size and its resolution - so for a HiDPI display, the 100% would have much more pixels, than a display with 96 PPI.

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Wrong mikekaganski .

I’ve 2 screens : a small 1920x1080 PC screen ( the Linux command xrandr gives 470mm x 270mm ) & a large 1920x1080 TV screen ( xrandr gives 1600mm x 900mm , wrong : it’s less ) .

I tested the 1st slide of the .pps on both , Edit Presentation , Zoom Out at 100% : same resolution , but the 2 slides should be the same size according to what you said ( size of slide of the small screen < size of slide of the large screen so ) .

I can’t upload the .pps : Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tiff, odt, ods, odp, odg, odc, odf, odi, odm, ott, ots, otp, otg, odb, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf).

It would be - but we explicitly limit smallest resolution to 96 PPI, which makes Impress think that your TV is 96 PPI, regardless of its actual PPI.

And your “wrong” implies you know better. Let me stop wasting time explaining you things (especially after your initial attack, that you later edited away in this comment - it seems unlikely that you would ever reply sensibly, like “if so, then why?” instead of the aggressive “I know better than you”).

Sorry .

So I’d have to know the resolution & the size of the screen of the author of the .pps …

But the slide always contains ( as object-fit:contain CSS object-fit Property ) the screen in presentation ( regardless Slide , Slide Properties… , Slide , Width: & Height: : any width & height ) , not as Edit Presentation , Zoom Out at 100% …

Complicated …