how to display the full path of "recent document"?


After a LibreOffice crash, I could not find a 0file listed in the “recent document”, and I don’t remember where I put it in the first place. Is there a way to display the full path of that file so I get a sense where it was? I might then be able to recover it.

thanks for sharing any insight.

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Close all documents hitting Ctrl+W until you get the welcome screen with icons of recent documents. When you hover over the icons, the full path is shown in a bubble.

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Another tool similar to recent documents:
Tools>Customize, tab “Toolbars”.
Search for URL and copy the command “Open URL” to the standard toolbar of the currently used component. It is a simple list box with document URLs…

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Thanks so much! with this, I could find the file.

I also figured out to locate the full path from a terminal in my home directory:
cat ~/.config/libreoffice/4/user/registrymodifications.xcu | grep “myRecentDocu”

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Well, yes. I did not think about that.

Or as you appear to be using some flavour of Linux, you could use the locate command.