First: Table, which contains times. “tbl_time” with field “MyTime”
Second: Query for the seconds
SELECT HOUR( "MyTime" ) * 3600 +
MINUTE( "MyTime" ) * 60 +
SECOND( "MyTime" ) AS "MySeconds"
FROM "tbl_time"
Query could be a subquery of the following query:
SELECT SUM( "MySeconds" ) AS "SumMySeconds" FROM "qry_seconds"
Both queries could be subqueries of the following query:
SELECT "SumMySeconds" / 3600 AS "MyHours",
MOD( "SumMySeconds", 3600 ) / 60 AS "MyMinutes",
MOD( MOD( "SumMySeconds", 3600 ), 60 ) AS "MySeconds"
FROM "qry_sum_seconds"
and all this queries could be subqueries of the last query:
SELECT CAST( "MyHours" || ':' || "MyMinutes" || ':' || "MySeconds" AS TIME )
AS "HMS" FROM "qry_sum_HMS"
Note: It will be shown as a decimal number in query editor this way, but it is a time value. So you could extract hours, minutes and seconds from this value later.
Be careful with last query. Set COALESCE
, if there might be empty fields.
AddingTimes.odb (4.2 KB)