I need help: I’m using Writer 4.2 and I don’t know how to set the footnotes font and size, I want them to be in Times New Roman size 11, so right now I’m editing manually all the notes, one by one
they’re set in Liberation Serif size 10 by default
When I open the editor it lets me only change the character of the notes
what can I do?
As @Karolus means: the footnotes are formatted using the Footnote paragraph style. You can edit the style by opening the Styles and Formatting panel by pressing F11 or selecting Styles and Formatting from the Format menu.
Right-click on the Footnote style, select Modify… and off you go.
But this does not seem to affect the behaviour of the footnote numbering in the footnote. Also ‘footnote anchor’ changes the size of the footnote numbering in the body of the text, but not in the footnote. This means that the numbering is one size, but the text is another, so it looks awful.
thanks a lot everyone !!!
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