How to ensure a document has a specific ordering for Ordered Lists?

For work I need my lists to alternate between numeric (no leading zeros) and then lower case alpha. Is there a way I can have it setup automatically like this or do I have to just go in and change it each time? I certainly love the product so I don’t mind the extra click(s) but would really appreciate if there’s a way I can somehow get LibreOffice Writer to do this for me. If not I understand.

Something like this actually: Where the parent is numeric then first sub is alpha and any subsequent subs from that is then numeric and then alpha.


At work they’re calling it “numerical alpha lists.” :confused:

Please edit your question (don’t use an answer which is reserved for solutions) to provide an example. Do you mean:

  • first case, an alternation like:
      1. first item in list
      a. second item in list
      2. third item
      b. fourth item
  • or something like
     1. item at first level
       1.a. item at second level
       1.b. second item at second level
     2. another one at first level
       2.a. and so on at second level

Solution is quite different according to case.

I suppose that something like this is wanted:

text text text

1. first element if first list
2. second element
3. third element

text text

a. first element of second list
b. second element
c. third element

text text text

1. 1st elt of list 3
2. 2nd ...

… and when user decides to insert a new list between the first and the second, it uses “a b c”, and the current second list automagically turns “1 2 3”, current third turns “a b c”, etc.

Such a level-dependent numbering is easily done by customising the counter associated with a list.

##Implicit lists

By implicit list, I mean a list formatted through a toolbar button. The button turns any paragraph into a list item.

The counter properties are accessed with Format>Bullets & Numbering. Only two tabs are of interest: Position and Customize.

Start with Customize to choose which numbering sequence (numeric, alphabetic, etc.) to use at which level. You can also opt for single level numbering or full levels numbering (such as 3.a.1. at third level instead of mere 1.).

Tab Position defines level-indents. Leave it as is if you’re satisfied with the default.

##Explicit lists

Here, I mean a list formatted by a user-defined paragraph style which have been associated with a so-called list style (factory provided are Numbering z where z is 123, abc, ABC, ivx and IVX but you can define others).

Such explicit lists allows you full control on list formatting, more safely than with implicit lists.

The procedure is quite similar. You open the list style (fifth icon from left in the toolbar of the style side pane) and go to its Customize and Position tabs.

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