The symbol 101010 or Ctrl K are not working here.
Hello @InJesus, to format a part of your answer or comment as code, do this:
1) Select the text that you want to format as code,
2) Press the small button "101" above ( 5th button from the left )
(Edited: removed possibly offensive word)
Where shall I drag it?
When I drag it isn’t it selected already?
Don’t drag it anywhere - just use your mouse to highlight it. That is what librebel means by drag.
Thank you.
Thus I paste here, select it and push the button:
No command 'code' found, did you mean:
Command 'cdde' from package 'cdde' (universe)
Command 'node' from package 'nodejs-legacy' (universe)
Command 'tcode' from package 'emboss' (universe)
Command 'ode' from package 'plotutils' (universe)
Command 'cde' from package 'cde' (universe)
Command 'cobe' from package 'python-cobe' (universe)
code: command not found
Seems to work.