How to enter custom label sizes

It is about 30 minutes that I’m trying, regardless of what I enter I cannot make the labels wider than 0,25cm or higher than 1,1cm and I should have quite enough space to stack 80 in an A4 paper.

This is the label I’m trying to add to writer

This is what I have got so far, the labels are not 1,69cm high at all once confirmed.


edit: This is the link I was supposed to share: Label spcifics

Works for me. Are you entering the numbers in the correct fields?

NOTE. I think from your other question that you want to tick the box Synchronise labels in Options tab. Not done for my screenshot


How do I edit a label page once created, is it possible?

Where did you get the 1,28cm left margin? In the paper say 1,102cm.

You can’t edit the layout once you have created your label sheet.

You can see that I saved the user layout as HermaA4 10701. I can make modifications to those settings and save over the top of them. This makes small adjustments, maybe to account for variations in printing, easier to implement

I downloaded the Word template and opened it in Word. That’s also where I got the 2.5 mm horizontal spacing between labels.

These labels should be identical.

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I tried this with another label but opened with LO and the labels were all messed up, probably not fully compatible with reading docx files.