How to escape keyword in the formula editor

Hi Folks,

I periodically need to use a keyword, like “in”, as a variable. How do I escape it? Putting it in quotes is not acceptable because it is no longer a variable, but is now text, which is formatted differently. So, is there a non-format bearing escape mechanism for keywords?

Thanks for the help,


For a variable requiring italics, use the ital command e.g.,

a in b newline
a "in" b newline
a ital "in" b

… results in:

ital command for variable rendering

I do not know a way to escape a keyword. But you might use a workaround for the problematic in: Take the i or the n from another code range. The Cyrillic і for example, looks not very different from the normal i, but with it, the parser does longer detect a keyword. You need to write the character in Writer and copy and paste it to the Math command window.