[Modified as requested by a moderator]
I am using LibreOffice Calc, and I am trying to export to HTML. My data is in A1-P40. Calc exports my data, but also includes rows and columns outside of this range. Furthermore, the column widths are all over the place. It seems like, in order to make room for a bunch of empty cells past column P, a few of the columns before P got made narrower. The result is that columns that were the same width in my spreadsheet, are different widths in the generated HTML.
I tried defining a Print Range, but that seems to have had no effect. How do I export just A1-P40, for example? I have not entered anything into cells outside this range.
Previous versions of LO used to do the “right” thing, exporting just the data I entered into HTML that looked remarkably like my spreadsheet. There seems to have been quite serious regression in the export to HTML functionality, based on my casual use, doing exactly the same operation now, compared to several months and years ago, using earlier versions.
I of course googled the problem, and tried defining a Print Range (which I didn’t have to do before), and that seems to have had no impact whatsoever.
I have attached the spreadsheet, and a screencapture of the generated HTML (since I cannot attach an html file).exported.pngschedule.ods