How to export search results using Find and Replace in LibreOffice Calc

We have an ODS file with two spreadsheets. (Picture 1)

We are able to use ‘Find All’ to locate cells containing the string ‘Steve’. (Picture 2)

However, we are unable to copy them. Because they are on two different spreadsheeds

Is it possible to achieve this somehow?" (Picture 3)
Brief: We need to copy all rows on all spreadsheets that includes string

"I can partially achieve what I want using LibreOffice Base. With SQL, I’m able to retrieve all cells containing ‘Steve’, but only within a single spreadsheet. I need a better solution that works across all spreadsheets.

My idea is:
The Find and Replace button can modify all matches at once.
Would it be possible to use a regex or a similar approach to ‘mark’ all matches as selected?
For example:

  • Find: Steve
  • Replace: select(Steve)**

Is it possible at that way?

probably need to move away from your all spreadsheets.

Writing GUI is little complicated to work on different devices. (Like Mobile)
Also data security is another problem.

At calc you have build in security as well. I’m not sure it is exist at Base Database

Macro for simple F&R in all sheets

Sub replaceInAllSheets 'F&R in all sheets
	dim oDoc as object, oSheet as object, oDesc as object, sFind$, oFound as object, o as object
	sFind="Steve" 'what to find
	for each oSheet in oDoc.Sheets
		with oDesc
			.ReplaceString="select(" & sFind & ")"
		end with
End Sub

Test macro for your primal ask, it creates a new Sheet with copies of all rows that have found text.

Sub copyFoundToNewList 'copy all rows that have the found text to new List
	dim oDoc as object, oSheets as object, oSheet as object, oCopySheet as object, oDesc as object, sFind$, oFound as object, o as object, oRows as object, oRow as object, _
		oRange as object, oCur as object, iLast&, iEnd&, iRow&, oCopy as object, oCopyCur as object, iSheets&, i&, bCopy as boolean
	if sFind="" then exit sub
	iSheets=oSheets.Count-1 'count of sheets without the sheets for copied rows
	for i=0 to iSheets 'traverse all sheets
		with oDesc 'search descriptor
		end with
		oFound=oSheet.findAll(oDesc) 'find all in current sheet
		if NOT isNull(oFound) then 'something is found
			if isNull(oCopySheet) then oCopySheet=createNewSheet(oSheets, sFind) 'create sheet for copy if not exists
			iLast=-1 'last checked row for copy
			for each oRange in oFound 'traverse the founds in found
				for each oRows in oRange.Rows 'check the rows in found
					for each oRow in oRows.Rows 'copy row by row
						iRow=oRow.RangeAddress.StartRow 'number of current row
						o=oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0, iRow, iEnd, iRow)
						if iRow<>iLast then 'current row wasn't copied (because there can be more cells with the found text in one row) 'select row
							oCopy=oDoc.CurrentController.getTransferable() 'Copy row
							oCopyCur.goToEndOfUsedArea(false) 'found last used position in copy-sheet
							if bCopy then oCopyCur.goToOffset(-oCopyCur.RangeAddress.EndColumn, 1) 'if it isn't 1st copy then go to new line in copy sheet
							oDoc.CurrentController.insertTransferable(oCopy) 'Paste copied row
						end if
						iLast=iRow 'remember the number of last row
		end if
	next i
End Sub

Function createNewSheet(oSheets as object, sFind$) 'create new sheet for copies of found rows
	dim s$, i%, sName$
	sName="COPY-" & sFind 'base name of copy-sheet
	while oSheets.hasByName(s) 'copy-sheet exists
		i=i+1 'add the number to the name
		s=sName & "-" & i 'new name with some number
	oSheets.insertNewByName(s, oSheets.Count) 'add copy-sheet to the end of lists
	createNewSheet=oSheets.getByName(s) 'return the name of copy-shet
End Function