Hi !
Here is what I try to do :
I merged two cells ( A1 and B1 ) and enter ‘1’ in that merged cell.
I want to use incremental fill function to have my horizontal serie starting from 1 to 10 with my cells merged ( C1 with D1 contain 2, E1 with F1 contain 3, … and so on )
Here is what I have tryied to do :
I manually merge all the cells I need to be merged. And then I use the fill handle to make my serie over my merged cells.
Result : Fail. The merged cells get split and I get a serie from 1 to 20 in splitted cells instead of a serie of 1 to 10 in my 10 manually merged cells.
I have also tried the " Edit - Fill - Serie " method but the result is worst with strangely merged cells…
Is there a way to do what I want ? I thought the fill function could do that but it appears it can’t or I’m wrong ?
Here is my software infos :
OS : Ubuntu 13.10
LibreOffice :
Build ID: 410m0(Build:2)
PS : Sorry about my bad english… I do my best.