How to Find Replace" paragraph mark + "string of any text/number" + double paragraph mark

How to Find Replace" paragraph mark + “string of any text/number” + double paragraph mark?
I am using “Pm” to represent the paragraph mark.
I need to “Find” the bold text (PM + any string/numbers + PM +PM) then “Replace” it with a PM.

Audible Continuity Tester SC 04103971 March 1997*"Pm"*
**Rick Walters; Kit(s): Jaycar"Pm"

I found that $ will find one “Pm” at the end of the line but not two($$).
I found that ^. will find the beginning of a line.
I found that .* will find the text from cursor to “Pm”.

How do I “Find” the Bold text and "replace it with a “Pm”?

Help, please

Find & Replace doesn’t work across paragraph breaks. You have had a look at Regular Expressions, maybe you can break it it down into two sections, find the text you want to delete and then replace empty paragraphs.

There is an extension for Writer, Alternative Find & Replace for Writer (AltSearch) » Extensions, which can search across paragraphs but I am not sure that you can do it exactly the way you describe. The homepage shows some options

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